Negotiations between IAM District 142 and McGee Air Services are set to begin in early 2025.
District 142 General Chairs Justin Bates and Jason McAdoo, along with IAM Air Transport Territory International Representative Brianna Gregory are supporting negotiations. The entire group recently traveled to the IAM’s Winpisinger Education Technology Center in Hollywood, Md., for negotiation preparations.
“I’m very proud of each and every member of the team,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “The IAM will fully assist and support the team in upcoming bargaining talks. This training is just one part of the overall power the IAM gives its members. I know they will be ready!”
The important preparations consisted of a week-long education and strategic planning to assist the committee in negotiating the best contract possible to bring to the membership for a vote. The intense training culminated with a negotiation simulation, allowing the committee to hone skills and prepare for negotiations.
The IAM Negotiations Committee has been selected and consists of Marvin McCarter (Chief Shop Steward, LAX), Daniel McGuire (Chief Shop Steward, SEA), Michael Parker (Chief Shop Steward, PDX), and Jose Rosales (Chief Shop Steward, SJC).